群众日报东营讯 近日,承当着东营市西城区及东城北区61条道路保洁工作的765名保洁员取得了一份不测的“礼物”——在区城市管理局的积极运作、谐和下,这些分属6家保洁公司的保洁员每人取得了一份由公司为他们购置的人身不测伤害保险,投保额达4万元
东营西城及东城北区共有主次道路61条,765名来自各地的保洁员承当着这些道路的日常环境卫生。 来自寿光的赵瑞云是胜东社区蓝天保洁公司的保洁员,他非常满足地说:“这份保险不只表现了政府对我们清洁工人的关怀,也是对我们工作的尊重,这让我们工作得更舒心、
。West and East, Dongying Seongbuk Total primary and secondary roads 61, 765 cleaners from around the world bear the environmental health of these roads daily. Zhao Ruiyun from Shouguang Sheng Tung Community sky is the cleaner cleaning company, he is very satisfied and said: \"This insurance not only reflects the Government\'s concern for our cleaners, but also the respect of our work, which makes our work more comfortable,
More peace of mind. \"According to the city of Dongying District, person in charge of the Authority, the age most of the cleaning staff is relatively www.5zxs.com large, with road congestion, the vehicles will inevitably rub Popi, once the injury, will give the cleaning staff and families have their own great burden. In order to minimize accidents, in addition to strengthening the road traffic management, for the cleaner to buy insurance, to a certain extent, they add another layer of security. Dongying wipe cleaning company specializes in all kinds of glass * * cleaning all kinds of special tools room door first. as hotels, wine, hug, entertainment, hospitals, schools, shopping malls, commercial buildings and residential areas, enterprises, families and other customers to provide comprehensive cleaning services.
2新居拓荒,据工业设计学院一楼值班的保安宗师傅昨晚说,当时听学生喊楼上失火,50多岁的他拿着手电筒顺着大楼西侧楼道一口吻爬到8楼,边爬还边喊失火了,让上课的人分散,他想搞分明是哪间办公室,在8楼发现是806和807两间办公室失火,他拎了一只灭火器想踹开门扑救,踹了几脚踹不开,可烟尘又很大,后来难以接近。当他顺着东侧楼道下了楼,两腿发软,这时,大楼内的师生在其它楼幢的保安分散下撤离终了。据引见,失火的806和807两间办公室是教员办公室,而且这两间办公室是校内其他学院教师办公室。室内全方位清洗保洁*自备大型吸尘器*3地毯清洗、沙发清洗、装潢后拓荒、地板打蜡4清洗油烟机,5各种单位长期或定期清洗保洁我们的效劳目标是:以诚信求开展,以质量求生存;我们的理念是;您的称心是我们追求的目的,希望各界来电洽谈协作。 http://www.0577bj.info/0577bj/0577bj-110.htm